LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I got my apron today from my MommyHolly Amy Butler Apron Swap today.
I was so excited to see the little card in my mailbox that said I had something to pick up at the post office.
I'm still at work...............but I really wanted to get this on my blog so I used the pictures my swap partner took of the apron before she sent it to me.
What a lovely modeling job... :)
"Rosy - Posy" is her blog name and this beautiful Rosy-Posy must be her trade mark.
Anyway my beautiful apron came from Rosina who lives on a 40 acre farm (I'm jealous) in British Columbia Canada. She is a mother and like me has three children. It was here first swap making something for someone to wear. Her husband is a tugboat captain and she says she works seasonally for fisheries off loading sea urchins and sea cucumbers (weighing them and filling out logbooks for the fishermen for their harvest quotas). That sounds so interesting, fun and exciting to me since I have always be surround by so much land my whole life.
It was so fun receiving this surprise in the mail and meeting someone new, who I would have never had the opportunity to meet.
Can't wait until I do it again!!!


Rosina {Rosy ~ Posy} said...

I am SO glad you love it!! I did see your comment on the apron swap flickr group and thought how lucky that you commented that you liked it, I knew then that it was going to be a great apron for you :) but I was afraid to say anything in case I gave away that it was for you *grin*. I enjoyed making it and secretly following along on your blog. LOL.
Rosina aka Rosy~Posy

Jerbabe said...

This looks cute with the it tied in front. Tell Riley he screwed up on the presentation.